Positive Psychology

Positive psychology focuses on what is working well, to enforce positive behaviors. It uses positive reinforcement and rewards, rather than negative reinforcement and punishments.

Implementing positive psychology in your workplace will help to build a positive and healthy work environment that is enjoyable, productive, and engaging.

When positive psychology is applied in your workplace, it can be a powerful tool to help your employees thrive and perform at their best.

Examples of Positive Psychology Applications:

Celebrating Wins

Acknowledge Behaviors Not Results

Focusing on Learning and Development

Measuring Engagement

Gamifying Work Performance

360 Feedback Reviews

Relationship and Teambuilding

Benefits of Positive Psychology in Your Workplace:

Teaches Employees New Perspectives Encourages Employees to Look Beyond a Paycheck

Teaches the Value of Experiences

Fosters Positive Moods and Increases Wellbeing

Promotes Contagious Happiness and Team Positivity

Enables Peer Acceptance

Improves Work performance

Interested In Harnassing Positive Psychology's Benefits at your Workplace?